Friday, December 18, 2009

Weekend Reading

Wow, I actually managed to post on the correct day today! Since 2009 is coming to a close, this week's recommendations come from my "Best of 2009" reading list. I know I'm missing a few, and to be fair, I'm not including any of my publicity clients (sorry guys!). But don't head into the new year without reading these amazing novels:

IN THE DARK by Brian Freeman. I'm a big fan of the Stride/Dial series, and Freeman gets better with each book. He knows how to craft a story, create suspense, and write dark, beautiful prose.

LORDS OF CORRUPTION by Kyle Mills. If you enjoyed the movie, Blood Diamond, you'll love this book. Instead of exploring the diamond trade, Mills dives head first into the corruption of the NGO's in Africa. It's evident that he did his homework, but Mill's knowledge and research never slows down the action.

THE LAST CHILD by John Hart. This haunting cross between lit fic and genre pulled me in from page one. Hart expertly establishes the bond between twins, and one happens to one when the other goes missing.

THE GIRL WHO PLAYED WITH FIRE by Stieg Larsson. No summary necessary, by now I'm sure everyone is familiar with this amazing trilogy. I enjoyed the slow rhythm to this book and how the character development unfolded on the page. This novel is much different than American crime fiction and it read like a breath of fresh air.

THE WAY HOME by George Pelecanos. Another master at character development, Pelecanos explores the relationship between a boy and his father. While there is plenty of external conflict and tension, it's the internal conflict that's the most compelling as they search for redemption. The book is beautifully written and like its characters, impossible to turn your back on.

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